JULY 18th- Appetizers/Dippers (hummus, black bean salsa, etc)
JULY 25th- Food Preservation (relishes, etc...)
AUGUST 22nd- Back to School- Breakfast (waffles, granola, english muffins, etc...)
AUGUST 29th- Back to School- Lunches (hot pockets, etc..)
Please RSVP by adding your name to the class you choose at:
(if a class fills up, we might do a repeat class for the overflow, so please rsvp)
ALL classes will be held at Miriam's home!
$10 fee per person to attend and all classes will be from 7-9pm
North on the Steese Hwy towards Fox, continue straight through the intersection ( there will be a Tesoro gas station on the left and weigh scales to the right) 1/2 mile and turn RIGHT on THUNDER RD., stay RIGHT at first Y and LEFT at second Y. You will see a motor home and our driveway is 1st on the LEFT
OR if you know the area it is the first road past the Fox Spring onto Thunder Road (then follow directions from there)